Why am I unable to Join into my Zoom class or meeting?
- Please make sure that you are logged in to your Zoom client with your EID based login by clicking your profile icon and checking if the login is “[EID] @eid.utexas.edu”.

- If it isn’t showing an eid.utexas.edu account, you may be logged in with another Zoom account. Please Switch Accounts in that menu and Sign In via SSO login with your EID.
- Reminder: The Company Domain is “utexas”.
I cannot Register because “This meeting is for authorized registrants only…”. Why?
- When registering for a UT Zoom event, you must enter your email address as [Your EID]@eid.utexas.edu.
Why am I unable to share my camera or screen on my Mac?
- You may need to adjust permissions on your Mac. Please follow this guide on how to allow your system to grant permissions to Zoom to share camera, audio, and your screen.
Why do I see grey boxes during screen shares on my Mac?
Grey boxes may appear on your shared screen if you have selected Optimize for Video Clip when sharing a video. Optimize for Video Clip should only be used when sharing full screen video with motion. To make the change:
- Stop sharing your screen
- Start a new Screen Share
- Make sure that "Optimize for Video Clip" is disabled
What Accessiblity features are available for Zoom at UT?
Please visit our Zoom Accessibility page or Zoom's Accessiblity FAQ for information on services available through UT and Zoom.
Also from the Services for Students with Disabilities:
- Creating an Accessible Classroom
- Accessibility Best Practices for Classes in Zoom [PDF]
- Accessibility Best Practices for Meetings and Webinars in Zoom [PDF]
Why isn’t my headset working?
Make sure your Zoom client is up to date.
- Click the ^ next to the Mute button in Zoom and verify that your correct audio devices are selected. If they are, and you still get no audio.
- Make sure your computer audio is not muted.
- Check that your microphone is not currently being used in another program (Teams, Panopto, etc.)
- Some headsets may have a discreet mute feature for the headphones or microphone. Make sure to unmute.
- Restart your device if possible.
- If all else fails, unplug and plug your headset back in. If it is a Bluetooth headset, reconnect it.
- If this fails, please contact your desktop support specialist for assistance.
Can I enable Group HD?
Yes! Group HD for higher quality camera video in calls is now available on UT Zoom meetings to those with the compatible hardware and network connections. To enable Group HD Video:
- Go to your Settings in your browser
- Click the Meeting tab
- Under In Meeting (Advanced), click the Group HD video toggle to enable or disable it.
- Select your preferred resolution.
- Click Save.
From Zoom's Group HD documentation:
Below are guidelines on how to achieve HD when in a meeting or webinar. This is not an exhaustive list, as there are other potential limitations, such as hardware limitations.
Send HD
- Put the meeting window in full-screen mode.
- Use active speaker mode.
- HD enabled in Settings in the Zoom desktop client or mobile app.
- Meet our bandwidth requirements.
- At least one attendee must be in full-screen mode.
Receive HD
- Put the meeting window in full-screen mode.
- Use active speaker mode.
- Meet our bandwidth requirements.
- At least one attendee must be meeting our requirements for sending HD, as mentioned above.
How can I protect my Zoom meeting from Zoombombing?
- We recommend Requiring Authentication, enabling Waiting Room, and assigning a co-host to help moderate. These and additional security options be found in Zoom Privacy and Security.
- Never advertise a public Zoom meeting on social media without security. We realize that some events may need less security to admit non-UT participants. If your event is intended for a larger, non-UT audience, please consider changing the meeting to a Webinar.
How do I change settings in my Zoom meetings or webinars after scheduling?
- Go to your Meetings or your Webinars (if licensed) from your Zoom Portal.
- You can Edit individual settings per each meeting here.
- If you have a recurring meeting or webinar, you can change settings either for that individual recurrence, or for all recurrences.
How many participants can join my meeting?
UT Zoom users can have 300 participants in a meeting.
If your class or event requires a larger meeting capacity, please contact Zoom@utexas.edu.
Can I host concurrent meetings?
You can have two concurrent meetings on the same host account, but the second meeting will need to be launched by an Alternative Host.
From Zoom
- While these users can have 2 meetings active concurrently, by default they will be unable to join multiple meetings simultaneously on the desktop client.
- You can't host multiple webinars at the same time.
- You can't host 1 meeting and 1 webinar at the same time.
- Users with scheduling privilege can manage and act as an alternative host for all meetings.
Can we use a shared or resource account as a Zoom account?
No, we cannot license resource or shared accounts for groups wanting a shared login for meetings. UT Zoom users may use Alternative Host or Scheduling Privilege features to share host access to meetings.
When adding Alternative Hosts, it says their email address “could not be found”. Why?
- The alternative host must have previously signed in to Zoom with their EID. See Sign In via SSO login with your EID
- You must enter your alternative host’s email address as [Alt host’s EID]@eid.utexas.edu.
- Please avoid using personal Zoom accounts for Alternative Hosts
How do I add new integrations or apps to my Zoom Service?
- As per our Zoom Integration requirements, to add new Zoom apps to your service:
- 1. A business contract with UT that accepts terms and conditions on behalf of the institution. For background please see https://businesscontracts.utexas.edu/training-materials-and-guides
- 2. The app integration uses OAuth, which limits app access to a specific user account. Please have the vendor provide documentation that demonstrates OAuth implementation. For detailed information please see Create an OAuth App
- 3. ISO approval.
Where are my recordings?
- Your cloud recordings can be found in your Zoom portal here.
- If you have opted into the Panopto and Zoom Integration, your recordings will automatically be sent to your Panopto.
- If the Zoom was scheduled in Canvas, it will be sent to that Course's folder Panopto.
- Your Local recordings can be found on your device in a folder designated in your Zoom client Settings

Why are my cloud recordings automatically deleting shortly after recording?
If you are using the Panopto and Zoom Integration, your Zoom recordings will automatically be moved to Panopto and deleted from Zoom cloud storage after completion.
- If you are using Canvas: Please check for your videos in the "Panopto Video" section of your Canvas course.
- If you are using Zoom outside of Canvas: Cloud recordings for meetings created outside of Canvas will be in your personal Panopto folder in a folder titled "Meeting Recordings"
If you are not sure if you have the Panopto and Zoom integration configured, or you still cannot find your recordings, contact Zoom@utexas.edu.
Why is my Cloud recording automatically starting before I join my meeting?
This is a known issue, as "Start Recording Automatically" does start the cloud recording as soon as the first participant enters the meeting. There are a few ways to work around this:
1. Turning off Automatic Recording, which may not be the best option as you would have to remember to manually start recording each time.
2. Turning off "Allow Participants to Join at Any time" and enabling the Waiting Room. This will keep students from entering the meeting until you join, which will start recording.
3. Editing the recorded video after the recording is published. We recommend Zoom cloud recordings to be uploaded to Panopto video management, and Panopto has editing features that will let you trim the start of the video before the actual meeting begins.
How can I get a license to host Webinars?
- Faculty and Staff: If you only need a license for one Webinar, you may request a temporary license from our Zoom Webinar License Self-Service Tool.
- Official student organizations recognized by the university may contact us for webinar licenses. Please contact Zoom@utexas.edu
- If you need a permanent Webinar license for multiple or recurring webinars, please contact Zoom@utexas.edu for purchasing.
Can I access Webinar recordings or reports after my Webinar license is removed?
You can access any cloud recordings still on your account after the webinar license is removed. However, any report information will not be accessible, and we encourage you to download and save any webinar reports while you still have the license on your account.
Is Zoom HIPAA Compliant? / Do I need a separate HIPAA account?
You no longer need a separate HIPAA account for UT Zoom.
Our Zoom main instance is HIPAA compliant as of February 2021. There is an approved Business Associates Agreement (BAA) between Zoom and UT Austin, and users in the old HIPAA sub account were moved to the main UT Zoom instance at that time.
How can I use Zoom to schedule office hours? Can I use Calendly?
Beginning December 11, 2023, The Zoom integration in Calendly will no longer be supported, therefore you will no longer be able to connect your Zoom account with Calendly.
The Information Security Office has reviewed Calendly and determined that due to the data in scope when integrated with additional software (e.g., audio, video, messages, transcript, responses to polls/QA), Calendly would need to complete additional security assessments, as well as agree to a standard UT business contract before it could be used with controlled/confidential University data (https://security.utexas.edu/policies/data_classification).
Without a standard University business contract this service is also not approved for storing university records, see Records and Information Management Services.
- Microsoft Bookings is the University’s preferred platform for scheduling and managing appointments. Bookings includes a web-based booking calendar that integrates with Outlook to optimize your schedule and gives others the flexibility to book a time that works best for them. Automated notification emails reduce no-shows and enhance user-satisfaction. To get started with Bookings, visit https://office365.utexas.edu/getting-started-bookings.
- Microsoft Teams meetings are the native web conferencing tool in Microsoft Bookings but Zoom scheduling can still be used within Canvas or Bookings. Directions on how to create Zoom appointments in those apps can be found at https://zoom.its.utexas.edu/booking-calendars-virtual-meetings.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the Service Desk at 512-475-9400 or help@utexas.edu.
I have a question this website hasn’t answered! How can I get help?
- Please contact the ITS Service Desk at 512-475-9400 or email Zoom@utexas.edu
- Service Desk’s current call center hours are
- Monday – Friday from 6AM – 10PM.
- Weekends from 10AM – 5AM
- Service Desk’s current call center hours are